
About Us

Downtown Driggs Association has been an accredited Main Street America Organization since 2012.

Downtown Driggs Association Shakespeare in the Parks 2022 Performance

Our Mission & Vision

As a 501c3 donor-supported nonprofit and Main Street America organization, our mission is to foster a thriving and vibrant downtown Driggs.

Our Story

In 2003, after the devastating fire in Downtown Driggs that left a gaping hole both physically and emotionally, businesses and investment began to leak out of the downtown. A group of local residents and business owners established a grass roots association to bring life back to downtown Driggs and to reshape our cultural identity in order to encourage community engagement, business growth and tourism. By starting free music, art, and theater programs, local culture came back to life and a new sense of identity and connection was established.

Over time, the DDA has become a key player in the local community serving a diverse constituency of residents and visitors reaching audiences of 12,000+ each year. In 2022 we hosted 245 professional and emerging artists- painters, sculptors, performers and musicians in our free arts programs. 200 volunteers worked over 1000 hours to make all community programs possible.

The Main Street Approach

With the designation in 2012 as an official Main Street organization under the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National Main Street program and The Idaho Department of Commerce, Downtown Driggs Association defined its approach to downtown revitalization strategies according to the Main Street America Four Point Approach:

PROMOTION of the downtown as the heart of Teton Valley, and the hub of activity, by showcasing Driggs’ unique characteristics. 

DESIGN the look and feel of the downtown, with improvements that feature our cultural identity

ORGANIZATION involves strengthening the Downtown Driggs Association and cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for growth

ECONOMIC VITALITY focuses on creating a supportive environment for downtown businesses towards a sustainable economy

Downtown Driggs Association Staff

Lisa Simmons

Executive Director

Fallon Ryan

Development and Community Engagement Manager

Steven Glass

Marketing and Volunteer Manager

Downtown Driggs Assocation Board of Directors

Al Bregy

Interim Board Chair

Kelley Romines


Emily Selleck


James Canedy

Board Member

Kisa Koenig

Board Member

Paige Collins

Board Member

James Frazer

Board Member

Fostering a thriving and vibrant Downtown Driggs
Physical Location:
91 East Little Avenue
Driggs, ID 83422
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1286
Driggs, ID 83422


Our Mission