Spring & Fall Downtown Clean-up Events

Adopt-A-Spot Clean-up Program

The nonprofit Downtown Driggs Association (DDA) with a grassroots effort, and Broulim's employees, is kicking off an Adopt-a-Spot Pilot Program to keep our downtown beautiful and inviting.

WHERE: Downtown Driggs - Broulim's Plaza, The City of Driggs Transit Center/TISA/Seniors West of the Teton's parking lot, ACE overflow parking lot, and the 5th Street Skate Park circular planters.

WHEN: Now - Early November 2023 - We recommend SUNDAY afternoons for safety as most businesses are closed.

HOW: Visit to sign-up for a spot.

Choose one or more of 35 small areas in downtown Driggs to keep clean and weed. Do it yourself or make it a group effort.

Trouble signing up? Email with your preferred #/spot (1st come 1st serve basis). 

WHAT TO BRING: Please use your own trash bags and dispose of items at the Transfer Station, as necessary, or your own personal receptacles (do not dump in private or public trash cans). A trowel, gloves, and other gardening tools may be useful to help weed.

Thank you for Putting the Beauty of Driggs in YOUR Hands!

Fostering a thriving and vibrant Downtown Driggs
Physical Location:
91 East Little Avenue
Driggs, ID 83422
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1286
Driggs, ID 83422


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